System.Messaging Reference (Document! X Sample)
System.Messaging Namespace / MessageQueueErrorCode Enumeration

In This Topic
    MessageQueueErrorCode Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Identifies the source of an error that occurred within the Message Queuing application and generated a MessageQueueException exception.
    Public Enum MessageQueueErrorCode 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As MessageQueueErrorCode
    public enum MessageQueueErrorCode : System.Enum 
    public enum class MessageQueueErrorCode : public System.Enum 
    AccessDeniedMessage text: Access is denied.
    BadSecurityContextMessage text: Bad security context.
    BaseMessage Queuing does not return this error code.
    BufferOverflowMessage text: The buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for message body retrieval was too small. The message is not removed from the queue and part of the message body that fits in the buffer was copied.
    CannotCreateCertificateStoreMessage text: Unable to create a certificate store for the internal certificate.
    CannotCreateHashExMessage text: Unable to create a hash object for an authenticated message.
    CannotCreateOnGlobalCatalogMessage text: Failed to create an object on a specified global catalog server.
    CannotGetDistinguishedNameMessage text: Failed to retrieve the distinguished name of local computer.
    CannotGrantAddGuidMessage text: Failed to grant the "Add Guid" permission to current user.
    CannotHashDataExMessage text: Unable to hash data for an authenticated message.
    CannotImpersonateClientMessage text: The RPC server cannot impersonate the client application, hence security credentials could not be verified.
    CannotJoinDomainMessage text: Failed to join Message Queuing enterprise on Windows 2000 domain.
    CannotLoadMsmqOcmMessage text: Cannot load the MSMQOCM.DLL library.
    CannotOpenCertificateStoreMessage text: Unable to open the certificates store for the internal certificate.
    CannotSetCryptographicSecurityDescriptorMessage text: Unable to set the security descriptor for the cryptographic keys.
    CannotSignDataExMessage text: Unable to sign data before sending an authenticated message.
    CertificateNotProvidedMessage text: A user attempted to send an authenticated message without a certificate.
    ComputerDoesNotSupportEncryptionMessage text: The computer does not support encryption operations.
    CorruptedInternalCertificateMessage text: The internal Message Queuing certificate is corrupted.
    CorruptedPersonalCertStoreMessage text: The personal certificate store is corrupted.
    CorruptedQueueWasDeletedMessage text: The.ini file for the queue in LQS was deleted because it was corrupted.
    CorruptedSecurityDataMessage text: A cryptographic function has failed.
    CouldNotGetAccountInfoMessage text: Could not get the account information for the user.
    CouldNotGetUserSidMessage text: Could not get the SID information out of the thread token.
    DeleteConnectedNetworkInUseMessage text: The connected network cannot be deleted; it is in use.
    DependentClientLicenseOverflowMessage text: The number of dependent clients served by this Message Queuing server reached its upper limit.
    DsErrorMessage text: Internal directory service error.
    DsIsFullMessage text: Directory service is full.
    DtcConnectMessage text: Cannot connect to MS DTC.
    EncryptionProviderNotSupportedMessage text: The Cryptographic Service Provider is not supported by Message Queuing.
    FailVerifySignatureExMessage text: Signature of received message is not valid.
    FormatNameBufferTooSmallMessage text: The format name buffer supplied to the API was too small to fit the format name.
    GenericMessage text: Generic Error.
    GuidNotMatchingMessage text: Failed to create Message Queuing configuration object with a GUID that matches the computer installation. You must uninstall Message Queuing and then reinstall it.
    IllegalContextMessage text: Invalid context parameter.
    IllegalCriteriaColumnsMessage text: Invalid MQCOLUMNS parameter.
    IllegalCursorActionMessage text: MQ_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT specified to MQReceiveMessage can not be used with the current cursor position.
    IllegalEnterpriseOperationMessage text: The operation is invalid for a Message Queuing services object.
    IllegalFormatNameMessage text: The given format name is invalid.
    IllegalMessagePropertiesMessage text: Illegal MQQMPROPS parameter, either null or with zero properties.
    IllegalOperationMessage text: The operation is invalid on foreign message queuing systems.
    IllegalPrivatePropertiesThe private properties parameter value is invalid. This may be because it has a null value or has zero properties specified.
    IllegalPropertyIdMessage text: Invalid property identifier value.
    IllegalPropertySizeMessage text: Illegal property buffer size.
    IllegalPropertyValueMessage text: Invalid property value.
    IllegalPropertyVtMessage text: Invalid VARTYPE value.
    IllegalQueuePathNameMessage text: Invalid queue path name.
    IllegalQueuePropertiesMessage text: Illegal MQQUEUEPROPS parameter, either null or with zero properties.
    IllegalRelationMessage text: Invalid relation value in restriction.
    IllegalRestrictionPropertyIdMessage text: Invalid propid value in MQRESTRICTION parameter.
    IllegalSecurityDescriptorMessage text: The specified security descriptor is not a valid security descriptor.
    IllegalSortMessage text: Illegal sort specified (for example, duplicate columns).
    IllegalSortPropertyIdMessage text: Invalid propid value in MQSORTSET.
    IllegalUserMessage text: The user has an invalid user name.
    InsufficientPropertiesMessage text: Not all the required properties for the operation were specified in the input parameters.
    InsufficientResourcesMessage text: Insufficient resources to perform operation.
    InvalidCertificateMessage text: The user certificate is not valid.
    InvalidHandleMessage text: An invalid handle passed to a function.
    InvalidOwnerMessage text: Invalid object owner. For example CreateQueue failed because the Queue Manager object is invalid.
    InvalidParameterMessage text: An invalid parameter passed to a function.
    IOTimeoutMessage text: The receive or peek message time-out has expired.
    LabelBufferTooSmallMessage text: The label buffer supplied to the API was too small.
    MachineExistsMessage text: Computer with the same name already exists in the site.
    MachineNotFoundMessage text: The specified computer could not be found.
    MessageAlreadyReceivedMessage text: A message that is currently pointed at by the cursor has been removed from the queue by another process or by another call to receive the message without the use of this cursor.
    MessageNotFoundMessage text: The specified message could not be found.
    MessageStorageFailedMessage text: Could not store a recoverable or journal message. Message was not sent.
    MissingConnectorTypeMessage text: Connector Type is mandatory when sending an Acknowledgment or secure message.
    MqisReadOnlyModeMessage text: MQIS database is in read-only mode.
    MqisServerEmptyMessage text: The list of MQIS servers (in registry) is empty.
    NoDsMessage text: No connection with this site's controller(s).
    NoEntryPointMsmqOcmMessage text: Cannot locate an entry point in the MSMQOCM.DLL library.
    NoGlobalCatalogInDomainMessage text: Unable to find Global Catalog servers in the specified domain.
    NoInternalUserCertificateMessage text: The internal Message Queuing certificate for the user does not exist.
    NoMsmqServersOnDcMessage text: Failed to find Message Queuing servers on domain controllers.
    NoMsmqServersOnGlobalCatalogMessage text: Failed to find Message Queuing servers on Global Catalog domain controllers.
    NoResponseFromObjectServerMessage text: No response from object owner.
    ObjectServerNotAvailableMessage text: Object owner is not reachable.
    OperationCanceledMessage text: The operation was canceled before it could be completed.
    PrivilegeNotHeldMessage text: Client does not have the required privileges to perform the operation.
    PropertyMessage text: One or more of the passed properties are invalid.
    PropertyNotAllowedMessage text: Invalid property for the requested operation
    ProviderNameBufferTooSmallMessage text: The passed buffer for the Provider name property is too small.
    PublicKeyDoesNotExistMessage text: The public key for the computer does not exist.
    PublicKeyNotFoundMessage text: Unable to find the public key for computer.
    QDnsPropertyNotSupportedDNS property is not supported as criteria to locate queues.
    QueueDeletedMessage text: The queue was deleted. Messages cannot be received anymore using this queue instance. The queue should be closed.
    QueueExistsMessage text: A queue with the same pathname is already registered.
    QueueNotAvailableMessage text: Error while reading from a queue residing on a remote computer.
    QueueNotFoundMessage text: The queue is not registered in the directory service.
    RemoteMachineNotAvailableMessage text: The remote machine is not available.
    ResultBufferTooSmallMessage text: The supplied result buffer is too small.
    SecurityDescriptorBufferTooSmallMessage text: The size of the buffer passed to MQGetQueueSecurity is too small.
    SenderCertificateBufferTooSmallMessage text: The passed buffer for the user certificate property is too small.
    SenderIdBufferTooSmallMessage text: The passed buffer for the user identifier property is too small.
    ServiceNotAvailableMessage text: The Message Queues service is not available.
    SharingViolationMessage text: Sharing violation. The queue is already opened for exclusive receive.
    SignatureBufferTooSmallMessage text: The passed buffer for the Signature property is too small.
    StaleHandleMessage text: The Queue Manager service has been restarted. The queue handle is stale and should be closed.
    SymmetricKeyBufferTooSmallMessage text: The passed buffer for the Symmetric key property is too small.
    TransactionEnlistMessage text: Cannot enlist the transaction.
    TransactionImportMessage text: Cannot import the transaction.
    TransactionSequenceMessage text: Wrong transaction operations sequence.
    TransactionUsageMessage text: Wrong transaction usage.
    UnsupportedAccessModeMessage text: The specified access mode is not supported.
    UnsupportedFormatNameOperationMessage text: The requested operation for the specified format name is not supported.
    UnsupportedOperationMessage text: The operation is not supported for a WORKGROUP installation computer.
    UserBufferTooSmallMessage text: Request failed because user buffer is too small to hold the returned information.
    WksCantServeClientMessage text: Message Queuing-independent clients cannot serve Message Queuing-dependent clients.
    WriteNotAllowedMessage text: Another MQIS server is being installed; write operations to the database are not allowed at this time.
    Inheritance Hierarchy



    Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

    See Also