Document! X and HelpStudio 2019
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    Java Documentation
    In This Topic
    Metadata Elements
    Metadata ElementDescription
    Outputs the access type of a particular item (e.g. PUBLIC, PROTECTED etc.).
    Outputs any additional search terms to include in the full text search index for this item in Browser Help output
    Outputs the name of the current Java Project.
    Outputs the fully qualified name of the current Assembly.
    Outputs a link to the base implementation for the current member.
    Outputs a breadcrumbs section. The breadcrumbs section is only output if the option is enabled in the Build Profile editor.
    Outputs the name of the current Project Profile.
    Outputs the numeric identifier of the encoding codepage defined in the project.
    Outputs the location to which the generated Html will output. This setting is used only if a Community Extensions proxy page is being used.
    Returns the unique Id used by Community Extensions to identify the current item.
    Outputs the Community Extensions Project Key defined for this Project. The Project Key is an encoded value based on the setting defined on the Community Settings page in the Build Profile editor.
    Outputs the address of the Community Extensions proxy page (if one is being used).
    Outputs the current type name with any generics information in readable form (e.g. MyClass<T>).
    Outputs a readable name for the current Constructor, e.g. MyClass Constructor.
    Add this to a base page type to create a section that can be populated in a derived page type.
    Outputs carriage return and line feed characters.
    Outputs the Caption of the Edition associated with the current Build Profile, if any (as defined in Editions and Versions)
    Outputs the Id value of the Edition associated with the current Build Profile, if any (as defined in Editions and Versions)
    Outputs the current filename excluding the file extension.
    Outputs the Namespace in which the current item is contained.
    Outputs the Caption of the current Version (as defined in Editions and Versions)
    Outputs the Id value of the current Version (as defined in Editions and Versions)
    Outputs the content of any custom HEAD tag content, as well as Google Analytics script (if enabled)
    Outputs the file name (including extension) of the default Topic.
    Outputs the summary content for the current item.
    Outputs any content between the start and end DXMETADATA markers at design time, otherwise returns nothing.
    Outputs a url representing the path in which design time support resources are located (edit, delete and new button images).
    Generates an object relationship diagram.
    Gets the Dynamic Toc Node Container Id for the current output filename
    Gets the Dynamic Toc Node id for the current output filename
    Outputs the value of the item if it is an enum member as a hex value.
    Outputs the value of the current item if it is an enum member.
    Outputs the code for the current Example.
    Returns a unique id (different for each documentation generation) for the current Example.
    Outputs the language name of the current Example (e.g. CS).
    Outputs a readable name for the language of the current example (e.g. C++/CLI).
    Outputs the title of the current Example.
    Outputs an anchor tag that points to the documentation page for the current Exception
    Outputs a url that points to the documentation page for the current exception.
    Outputs the full name of the current item, for use in Help 2.x F1 information. For members this includes the type name and for types this includes the namespace.
    Outputs the filename for the current item.
    Generates output based on a set of child items (of the Item Type identified by the Namespace parameter). The output generated for each item is formatted using the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_BODY. The complete output is then prefixed with the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_HEADER and suffixed with the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_FOOTER. No output is generated if no child items are found.
    Returns the full name of the current Type.
    Outputs the full name of the current item. For members this includes the type name and for types this includes the namespace.
    Outputs the current date in General Date format.
    Outputs "True" if the option to group examples has been enabled. Otherwise returns nothing.
    Outputs the Project Title.
    Outputs the type inheritance hierarchy for a Namespace or the whole Assembly.
    Outputs a comma if currently within a list and not the last item in the list.
    Outputs "True" if the option to include Protected, Protected Friend or Friend members in the documentation has been enabled and the current item is a Type. Otherwise returns nothing.
    Outputs a relative url for the current item suitable for including in index references.
    Outputs the inheritance and implementation portion of the Syntax block for types.
    Outputs the inheritance hierarchy for a particular type
    Outputs the contents of the INHERITANCE_INFO scrap if the current member is an override of a base member.
    Outputs a language specific link to the type that the current item inherits from.
    Outputs a language specific link to the type that the current item inherits from.
    Outputs an Html non breaking space entity only if running at design time. Is used in combination with format and blankformat attributes to show specific content only at design time, or not design time.
    Outputs "True" if the option to include values in enumeration member lists has been enabled. Otherwise returns nothing.
    Outputs True if the current item is new.
    Outputs "True" if the named Template File Feature is enabled or nothing if it is disabled
    Outputs the name of the current item.
    Outputs the fully qualified name of the current item. The fully qualified name uniquely identifies the current item.
    Outputs the qualified name of the current item, with any reserved script characters encoded so the value can be used directly in script.
    Outputs a readable title for the current item, e.g. "Add Method".
    Outputs the type of the current item (e.g. "Namespace", "Class" etc.).
    Returns the Javadoc signature for an item.
    Outputs a language keyword for a particular item.
    Outputs the caption (readable name) of the current Language (e.g. C#, VB.NET, C++/CLI).
    Outputs the name of the current language (e.g. CS, VB, CPP2005).
    Outputs the SyntaxCaption (readable name, localized in the phrase table) of the current Language (e.g. C#, VB.NET, C++/CLI).
    Outputs an anchor for the current item.
    Outputs the category name for the current See Also link.
    Outputs a hyperlink to the current items namespace documentation page.
    Outputs the type name (as a link if noLink is not true) of the current parameter.
    Outputs the type name (as a link if noLink is not true) of the member return type.
    Outputs a link to the type of the current item.
    Outputs the target of the current link, with any reserved script characters encoded so the value can be used directly in script.
    Outputs the content of the value parameter. This element can be used in combination with conditions to include/exclude static content according to particular conditions.
    Outputs a string identifying the encoding defined in the project (e.g. "0x432 English (United States)").
    Outputs a readable title for the current item, e.g. "Add Method".
    Outputs an <img> tag for the projects logo image.
    Outputs the current date in Long Date format.
    Outputs the current time in Long Time format.
    Outputs <!-- saved from url= --> tag using the URL defined in the Build Profile.
    Outputs an Html META element defining the charset to use according to the encoding settings defined in the project.
    Outputs a language specific string identifying the type of method (if the language supports such an identifier). e.g. Function or Sub in Visual Basic.
    Outputs the name of the current item.
    Outputs a readable name for the current Operator (e.g. "Addition").
    Outputs the language specific name of an operator (e.g. ++ for the increment operator in csharp).
    Outputs the file extension defined in the project (defaults to .html).
    Outputs the content of the OVERRIDE_INDICATOR phrase if the current item overrides a base member.
    Outputs a title for the current item, typically {Name} {TypeName}, e.g. "Add Method".
    Outputs a language specific parameter delimiter (usually a comma) if currently within a list and not the last item in the list.
    Outputs a formatted list of parameters for a particular item.
    Outputs a one line summary of an items parameters, formatted using the specified language.
    Returns summary content for the logical parent of the current item
    Outputs the name of the parent of the current item.
    Outputs the fully qualified name of the logical parent of the current item (e.g. for a Type that would be the Namespace qualified name).
    Outputs the fully qualified name of the parent of the current item.
    Outputs the name of the current items logical parent item (e.g. this would return the namespace name for a class).
    Outputs a phrase from the Template phrase table according to the current phrase language.
    Outputs the current Phrase language.
    Outputs the Id of the current Project.
    Outputs the Project Title. The Project Title is defined in the BuildProfileTerm Editor.
    Outputs the language specific identifier for the type of property (e.g. Read Only, Read Write, Write Only in Visual Basic).
    Outputs the current items item name without any adjustment for readability or trimming.
    Outputs the filename for the current item, relative to the project file. Use RelativeUrlFileName if you are using this value as a link target rather than a local path and filename, as it replaces \ with /.
    Returns the main page url for a member, relative to the current output file name.
    Returns the main page url for a type, relative to the current output file name.
    Outputs the filename for the current item, relative to the project file. Any \ characters in the path will be replaced with / so that the value is usable as a relative url.
    Outputs the value of a Scrap defined in the current Template.
    Outputs a <script> element for each script file.
    Outputs the current date in Short Date format.
    Outputs the name of the current item.
    Outputs the name of the parent type of the current member.
    Outputs the current time in Short Time format.
    Outputs the summary content for the current item.
    Gets CSS text from any style color template property definitions
    Outputs a <link> element for each stylesheet.
    Outputs a syntax block for a particular item.
    Outputs the Copy Code scrap for the current language (typically a hyperlink that copies all code to the clipboard).
    Outputs the name to use for the current item in the generated syntax sections.
    Outputs a Syntax section according to the Syntax Section Style chosen in the Project Profile. Uses the _SYNTAX_TABS or _SYNTAX_BOXES scraps, according to the preferenced defined in the Build Profile.
    Outputs the content for a particular content type.
    Gets a JSON blob for any template settings values for the current Project Profile
    Outputs the Id of the parent item as defined in the ToC for this item.
    Outputs the name of the current item type - e.g. Class, Namespace etc.
    Outputs the value of a Project or Template property.
    Returns the description for an item, wrapped in a paragraph tag if it isn't already.
    Outputs a string that represents the current output encoding, suitable for including in an Xml file encoding attribute, e.g. "utf-8"
    Outputs the Help 2.x Xml Island for the current item.
    Outputs the current year.