Metadata Element | Description |
BookletTitle | Outputs the Booklet title. |
BuildProfileName | Outputs the name of the current Project Profile. |
Charset | Outputs the numeric identifier of the encoding codepage defined in the project. |
ContentSection | Add this to a base page type to create a section that can be populated in a derived page type. |
CrLf | Outputs carriage return and line feed characters. |
CurrentEditionCaption | Outputs the Caption of the Edition associated with the current Build Profile, if any (as defined in Editions and Versions) |
CurrentEditionId | Outputs the Id value of the Edition associated with the current Build Profile, if any (as defined in Editions and Versions) |
CurrentFileNameNoExtension | Outputs the current filename excluding the file extension. |
CurrentVersionCaption | Outputs the Caption of the current Version (as defined in Editions and Versions) |
CurrentVersionId | Outputs the Id value of the current Version (as defined in Editions and Versions) |
CustomHeadContent | Outputs the content of any custom HEAD tag content, as well as Google Analytics script (if enabled) |
DefaultTopic | Outputs the file name (including extension) of the default Topic. |
Designtime | Outputs any content between the start and end DXMETADATA markers at design time, otherwise returns nothing. |
DesignTimePath | Outputs a url representing the path in which design time support resources are located (edit, delete and new button images). |
DynamicTocNodeContainerId | Gets the Dynamic Toc Node Container Id for the current output filename |
DynamicTocNodeId | Gets the Dynamic Toc Node id for the current output filename |
EntryLevel | Outputs the entry level for the current item. |
EntryNumber | Outputs the entry number for the current item. |
EntryNumberPlaceholder | Outputs the "{{__EntryNumber__}}" literal at build time, nothing at design time. |
EntryTitle | Outputs the title of the current item. |
FileName | Outputs the filename for the current item. |
FilteredItemList | Generates output based on a set of child items (of the Item Type identified by the Namespace parameter). The output generated for each item is formatted using the parsed
value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_BODY. The complete output is then prefixed with the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_HEADER and suffixed with the parsed value
of a Scrap named {Scrap}_FOOTER. No output is generated if no child items are found. |
GeneralDate | Outputs the current date in General Date format. |
GetTocEntry | Outputs either the title or a link to the target Topic depending on whether the "Replace links to Topics that are included in this Booklet" link replacement is enabled in the Booklet Profile |
HelpProjectTitle | Outputs the Project Title. |
IsNew | Outputs True if the current item is new. |
IsTemplateFileFeatureEnabled | Outputs "True" if the named Template File Feature is enabled or nothing if it is disabled |
ItemName | Outputs the name of the current item. |
ItemQualifiedName | Outputs the fully qualified name of the current item. The fully qualified name uniquely identifies the current item. |
ItemQualifiedName_ScriptSafe | Outputs the qualified name of the current item, with any reserved script characters encoded so the value can be used directly in script. |
ItemTitle | Outputs the title of the current item. |
ItemType | Outputs the type of the current item (e.g. "Namespace", "Class" etc.). |
Link | Outputs an html anchor element for the current item. |
LinkCaption | Outputs the caption for the current link. |
LinkEntryNumber | Outputs the entry number for the item that contains the current link. |
LinkTarget_ScriptSafe | Outputs the target of the current link, with any reserved script characters encoded so the value can be used directly in script. |
LinkUrl | Outputs the target Url for the current link. |
Literal | Outputs the content of the value parameter. This element can be used in combination with conditions to include/exclude
static content according to particular conditions. |
LocaleString | Outputs a string identifying the encoding defined in the project (e.g. "0x432 English (United States)"). |
LogoImage | Outputs an <img> tag for the projects logo image. |
LongDate | Outputs the current date in Long Date format. |
LongTime | Outputs the current time in Long Time format. |
MarkOfTheWeb | Outputs <!-- saved from url= --> tag using the URL defined in the Build Profile. |
MetaCharset | Outputs an Html META element defining the charset to use according to the encoding settings defined in the project. |
Name | Outputs the name of the current item. |
OutputFileExtension | Outputs the file extension defined in the project (defaults to .html). |
PageContentHeight | Outputs the height (in pixels) of the page content at 96 DPI. |
PageContentWidth | Outputs the width (in pixels) of the page content at 96 DPI. |
ParentItemName | Outputs the name of the parent item for the current item. |
ParentQualifiedName | Outputs the fully qualified name of the parent of the current item. |
Phrase | Outputs a phrase from the Template phrase table according to the current phrase language. |
PhraseLanguage | Outputs the current Phrase language. |
ProjectId | Outputs the Id of the current Project. |
ProjectTitle | Outputs the Project Title. The Project Title is defined in the BuildProfileTerm Editor. |
RelativeFileName | Outputs the filename for the current item, relative to the project file. Use RelativeUrlFileName if you are using this value as a link target rather than a local path and filename, as it replaces \ with /. |
RelativeUrlFileName | Outputs the filename for the current item, relative to the project file. Any \ characters in the path will be replaced with / so that the value is usable as a relative url. |
Scrap | Outputs the value of a Scrap defined in the current Template. |
Scripts | Outputs a <script> element for each script file. |
ShortDate | Outputs the current date in Short Date format. |
ShortItemName | Outputs the name of the current item. |
ShortTime | Outputs the current time in Short Time format. |
StylePropertyValues | Gets CSS text from any style color template property definitions |
Stylesheets | Outputs a <link> element for each stylesheet. |
TemplateSettingsJson | Gets a JSON blob for any template settings values for the current Project Profile |
TypeName | Outputs the name of the current item type - e.g. Class, Namespace etc. |
Variable | Outputs the value of a Project or Template property. |
XmlEncoding | Outputs a string that represents the current output encoding, suitable for including in an Xml file encoding attribute, e.g. "utf-8" |
Year | Outputs the current year. |