Northwind Database (Document! X Sample)
AdventureWorks Database / Purchasing Schema / Purchasing.ProductVendor Table
In This Topic
    Purchasing.ProductVendor Table
    In This Topic

    Vendors are added to the table before any POs are processed.

    Creation Date27/10/2017 14:33
    File GroupPRIMARY
    Text File Group
    System Object
    Published for Replication
    Data Space Used40.00 KB
    Index Space Used64.00 KB
     Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
    Primary Key Primary key. Foreign key to Product.ProductID.Integer4   
    Primary Key Primary key. Foreign key to Vendor.BusinessEntityID.Integer4   
     The average span of time (in days) between placing an order with the vendor and receiving the purchased product.Integer4   
     The vendor's usual selling price.Currency8   
     The selling price when last purchased.Currency8  
     Date the product was last received by the vendor.DBTimeStamp4  
     The maximum quantity that should be ordered.Integer4   
     The minimum quantity that should be ordered.Integer4   
     The quantity currently on order.Integer4  
     The product's unit of measure.WChar3   
     Date and time the record was last updated.DBTimeStamp4 
    Nonclustered index.  
    Nonclustered index.  
    Primary key (clustered) constraint
    Check Constraints
    Check constraint [AverageLeadTime] >= (1)
    Check constraint [LastReceiptCost] > (0.00)
    Check constraint [MaxOrderQty] >= (1)
    Check constraint [MinOrderQty] >= (1)
    Check constraint [OnOrderQty] >= (0)
    Check constraint [StandardPrice] > (0.00)
    Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
    Foreign key constraint referencing UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode.
    Foreign key constraint referencing Vendor.BusinessEntityID.
    Objects that Purchasing.ProductVendor depends on
     Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
    dbo.AccountNumber datatypedbo.AccountNumberUser Defined Data Type 2
    Person.BusinessEntity tablePerson.BusinessEntityTableSource of the ID that connects vendors, customers, and employees with address and contact information.2
    dbo.ErrorLog tabledbo.ErrorLogTableAudit table tracking errors in the the AdventureWorks database that are caught by the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Data is inserted by stored procedure dbo.uspLogError when it is executed from inside the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct.3
    dbo.Flag datatypedbo.FlagUser Defined Data Type 4
    dbo.Name datatypedbo.NameUser Defined Data Type 2
    Production.Product tableProduction.ProductTableProducts sold or used in the manfacturing of sold products.1
    Production.ProductCategory tableProduction.ProductCategoryTableHigh-level product categorization.3
    Production.ProductModel tableProduction.ProductModelTableProduct model classification.2
    Production.ProductSubcategory tableProduction.ProductSubcategoryTableProduct subcategories. See ProductCategory table.2
    Production.UnitMeasure tableProduction.UnitMeasureTableUnit of measure lookup table.2
    dbo.uspLogError proceduredbo.uspLogErrorStored ProcedureLogs error information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information.2
    dbo.uspPrintError proceduredbo.uspPrintErrorStored ProcedurePrints error information about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without printing any error information.2
    Purchasing.Vendor tablePurchasing.VendorTableCompanies from whom Adventure Works Cycles purchases parts or other goods.1
    CREATE TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor](
        [ProductID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [BusinessEntityID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [AverageLeadTime] [int] NOT NULL,
        [StandardPrice] [money] NOT NULL,
        [LastReceiptCost] [money] NULL,
        [LastReceiptDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [MinOrderQty] [int] NOT NULL,
        [MaxOrderQty] [int] NOT NULL,
        [OnOrderQty] [int] NULL,
        [UnitMeasureCode] [nchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
        [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT [PK_ProductVendor_ProductID_BusinessEntityID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED 
        [ProductID] ASC,
        [BusinessEntityID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_ProductVendor_ModifiedDate]  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [ModifiedDate]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID] FOREIGN KEY([ProductID])
    REFERENCES [Production].[Product] ([ProductID])
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode] FOREIGN KEY([UnitMeasureCode])
    REFERENCES [Production].[UnitMeasure] ([UnitMeasureCode])
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_BusinessEntityID] FOREIGN KEY([BusinessEntityID])
    REFERENCES [Purchasing].[Vendor] ([BusinessEntityID])
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_BusinessEntityID]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_AverageLeadTime] CHECK  (([AverageLeadTime]>=(1)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_AverageLeadTime]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_LastReceiptCost] CHECK  (([LastReceiptCost]>(0.00)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_LastReceiptCost]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_MaxOrderQty] CHECK  (([MaxOrderQty]>=(1)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_MaxOrderQty]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_MinOrderQty] CHECK  (([MinOrderQty]>=(1)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_MinOrderQty]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_OnOrderQty] CHECK  (([OnOrderQty]>=(0)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_OnOrderQty]
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_StandardPrice] CHECK  (([StandardPrice]>(0.00)))
    ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[ProductVendor] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_ProductVendor_StandardPrice]
    See Also