Bing Translator Web Service
Bing Translator Web Service / All Operations Resource Group / /V2/Soap.svc/TranslateArray2 (Method)
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Translates an array of text strings from one language to another.
    Request (LanguageService_TranslateArray2_InputMessage)

    The request body is of type TranslateArray2.

    Request Body Parameters

    NameDescriptionData Type
    User Element Uri Element State Element ReservedFlags Element ProfanityAction Element IncludeMultipleMTAlternatives Element GenderTo Element GenderFrom Element ContentType Element Category Element Sequence options Element to Element from Element string Element Sequence texts Element appId Element Sequence TranslateArray2 Element


    appId optional xs:string
    A string containing "Bearer" + " " + access token.
    texts optional ArrayOfstring Complex Type
    A string array representing the text from an unknown language. The size of the text must not exceed 10000 characters.
    string 0..∞ xs:string
    from optional xs:string
    A string containing the language code of the source language. Must be a valid culture name.
    to optional xs:string
    A string containing the language code of the target language. Must be a valid culture name.
    options optional TranslateOptions Complex Type

    A set of options. TranslateOptions contain: uri, category, contentType, user.

    Category optional xs:string
    A string containing the category (domain) of the translation. Defaults to "general".
    ContentType optional xs:string
    A string containing the type of content. Either "text/html" or "text/plain". Defaults to "text/plain".
    GenderFrom optional xs:string
    GenderTo optional xs:string
    IncludeMultipleMTAlternatives optional xs:boolean
    ProfanityAction optional xs:string
    ReservedFlags optional xs:string
    State optional xs:string
    User state to help correlate request and response. The same contents will be returned in the response.
    Uri optional xs:string
    A string containing the content location of this translation.
    User optional xs:string
    A string used to track the originator of the submission.
    Response (LanguageService_TranslateArray2_OutputMessage)

    The response body is of type TranslateArray2Response.

    A string representing the translated text. If you previously use AddTranslation or AddTranslationArray to enter a translation with a rating of 5 or higher for the same source sentence, Translate returns only the top choice that is available to your system. The "same source sentence" means the exact same (100% matching), except for capitalization, white space, tag values, and punctuation at the end of a sentence. If no rating is stored with a rating of 5 or above then the returned result will be the automatic translation by Microsoft Translator.

    Response Body Parameters

    NameDescriptionData Type
    TranslatedTextSentenceLengths Element TranslatedText Element State Element OriginalTextSentenceLengths Element From Element Error Element Alignment Element Sequence TranslateArray2Response Element Sequence TranslateArray2Result Element Sequence TranslateArray2Response Element


    Alignment optional xs:string
    Error optional xs:string
    Indicates an error if one has occurred. Otherwise set to null.
    From optional xs:string
    A string containing the language code of the source language. Must be a valid culture name.
    OriginalTextSentenceLengths optional ArrayOfint Complex Type
    An array of integers indicating the length of each sentence in the original source text. The length of the array indicates the number of sentences.
    int 0..∞ xs:int
    State optional xs:string
    User state to help correlate request and response. Returns the same content as in the request.
    TranslatedText optional xs:string
    The translated text.
    TranslatedTextSentenceLengths optional ArrayOfint Complex Type
    An array of integers indicating the length of each sentence in the translated text. The length of the array indicates the number of sentences.
    int 0..∞ xs:int
    See Also