Bing Translator Web Service
Bing Translator Web Service / All Operations Resource Group / /V2/Soap.svc/BreakSentences (Method)
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Breaks a piece of text into sentences and returns an array containing the lengths in each sentence.
    Request (LanguageService_BreakSentences_InputMessage)

    The request body is of type BreakSentences.

    Request Body Parameters

    NameDescriptionData Type
    language Element text Element appId Element Sequence BreakSentences Element


    appId optional xs:string
    A string containing "Bearer" + " " + access token.
    text optional xs:string
    A string representing the text to split into sentences. The size of the text must not exceed 10000 characters.
    language optional xs:string
    A string representing the language code of input text.
    Response (LanguageService_BreakSentences_OutputMessage)

    The response body is of type BreakSentencesResponse.

    An array of integers representing the lengths of the sentences. The length of the array is the enumber of sentences, and the values are the length of each sentence.

    Response Body Parameters

    NameDescriptionData Type
    int Element Sequence BreakSentencesResult Element Sequence BreakSentencesResponse Element


    int 0..∞ xs:int
    See Also