Document! X 2017
Customization / Template Fundamentals
In This Topic
    Template Fundamentals
    In This Topic

    Creating a New Custom Template

    1. On the Tools Ribbon tab click the Options button.
    2. In the Options editor select the Custom Templates Page Menu Item.
    3. Click on the New  toolbar button.
    4. In the New Template dialog:
      1. Select Topics \ Classic from the Base on combobox.
        The custom template will initially contain all of the files & settings of the template selected in the Base on combobox (this will also define which template type the custom template will be).
      2. Enter New Topics Template for the Template Name.
      3. Click OK.

    After creating a new custom template you will need to assign it to the relevant template type in your Project's Build Profile.

    1. Double click on the Build Profile in the Project Explorer.
    2. Select the Template Page Menu Item.
    3. Select your custom template from the relevant template type's Template combobox (in this example the "New Topics Template" for the Topics template type).


    Creating and Editing a Page Type

    This example uses the custom template created in the example above, though this example can be applied to any custom template.
    1. On the Tools Ribbon tab click the Options button.
    2. In the Options editor click on the Custom Templates Page Menu Item.
    3. Select the New Topics Template from the template list and click the Edit  toolbar button.
    4. Select the Page Type Page Menu Item.
    5. Click the New  toolbar button.
    6. In the New Page Type dialog:
      1. Enter New Page Type.html for the New File Name.
      2. Select the Create a new Page Type derived from option.
      3. Select the "standard.html" Page Type from the combobox. ("standard.html is the default Page Type in the Topics template.
        If you are creating a custom Template for another documentation type, e.g. .NET documentiation, then you would choose the appropriate page type you want to use as the starting point for your new page type).
      4. Click OK.
    7. Select New Page Type.html in the Page Types list and click the Edit  toolbar button.
    A specific a Page Type can be selected for a given Topic from the Page Type combobox in the Properties window after selecting the Topic in the Project Explorer.


    Add a new Phrase

    This example uses the custom template created in the example above, though this example can be applied to any custom template.
    1. On the Tools Ribbon tab click the Options button.
    2. In the Options editor click on the Custom Templates Page Menu Item.
    3. Select the New Topics Template from the template list and click the Edit  toolbar button.
    4. Select the Phrases Page Menu Item.
    5. Click the New  toolbar button.
      At this point a new Phrase named NEW_PHRASE will be created and selected for editing.
    6. Click the > button to the left of the Language label.
    7. Enter New Phrase English in the Language: (English (United States)) field.
    8. Enter New Phrase Dutch in the Language: (Dutch (Netherlands)) field.

    Phrases can be inserted into a Page Type using the following DXMETADTA element:

    <!--DXMETADATA start type="Phrase" name="NEW_PHRASE"--><!--DXMETADATA end-->

    Document! X ships with 9 localized languages for the included Phrases. New Languages can be added by clicking on the Add Language button.


    Add a new Scrap

    This example uses the custom template created in the example above, though this example can be applied to any custom template.
    1. On the Tools Ribbon tab click the Options button.
    2. In the Options editor click on the Custom Templates Page Menu Item.
    3. Select the New Topics Template from the template list and click the Edit  toolbar button.
    4. Select the Scraps Page Menu Item.
    5. Click the New  toolbar button.
      At this point a new Scrap named _NEW_SCRAP will be created and selected for editing.
    6. In the Content section of the new Scrap enter New Scrap Content

    Scraps can be inserted into a Page Type using the following DXMETADTA element:

    <!--DXMETADATA start type="Scrap" name="_NEW_SCRAP"--><!--DXMETADATA end-->