Document! X 2017
Project Fundamentals / Project Tools / Project Find And Replace
In This Topic
    Project Find And Replace
    In This Topic

    Project Find and Replace allows you to Find and optionally Replace text throughout the Document! X project.

    Options are provided to allow searching within Xhtml source and for matching in Whole Word / Case Sensitivity. It is also possible to search and replace using regular expressions.


    Project Find and Replace Fundamentals

    Find a specific word or phrase

    1. Click Project Find and Replace from the Tools Ribbon Tab;
    2. The Project Find and Replace window will be opened;
    3. Type the word or phrase you are searching for in the Find What text box;
    4. If you only want to search in specific project elements, select them from the Find In: list. By default, the whole project is searched;
    5. If you only want to find whole word matches, tick the Match Whole Word option;
    6. If you only want to match the exact case, tick the Match Case option;
    7. If you want to search in Html source, tick the Search in Html option. If you are searching in Html source you can enable the Use regular expressions option to use regular expression syntax in your search term;
    8. Click Find to begin the search.


    Replace a specific word or phrase

    1. Define the term you are searching for, and the find options you wish to enable (see Find a specific word or phrase above);
    2. Type the text you wish to replace the found text with in the Replace With text box;
    3. Click Find to locate matches;
    4. To replace a specific match, select it from the list of results and click Replace;
    5. To replace all matches, click Replace All.


    Navigation Bar

    When you open an item from the results grid (e.g. by double clicking), a Navigation Bar will be opened above the document tab area:

    Example Navigation Bar

    The navigation bar makes it easy to step through the items on the results grid.

    See Also

    Regular Expressions